Pamoja is collaboration between inspiring and dedicated women and mothers in our Colorado communities, Empowering Communities Globally, and Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains. The Pamoja Early Childhood Education Workforce Program builds a career pathway for women from various countries. Multiple layers of support are designed to prepare refugee and immigrant populations to enter the early care and learning (ECE) workforce with success.
Early childhood educators are a major contributor to a child’s healthy development. High-quality early care and education (ECE) provides many short and long-term benefits to children and families. A stable and skilled workforce is key to quality. Communities across Colorado lack the workforce needed to provide these important services to families. The population of children under the age of four in Colorado is expected to increase by 10% over the next two years and 22% by 2026. A majority of ECE program directors report difficulty finding and retaining qualified staff. CPR News Highlights Pamoja Program
Culturally and linguistically responsive early childhood college pathway program for candidates interested in pursuing a field as an ECE teacher in a classroom and entering into employment at an ECE center. Candidates receive wraparound supports to confidently navigate ECE college courses and skillfully teach in an ECE center.
Culturally and linguistically responsive education and training for diverse FFN home care providers of children FFN Trainers provide first language home visits to FFN providers in their home. Supports include healthy child development and culturally relevant strategies and support in establishing nurturing relationships based on positive shared emotions. Now enrolling participants, contact us at 303.389.2338.
Employment, education and family/parent supports for refugee fathers with services to support fathers navigating job upgrades, furthering education and increasing family/parent engagement.
Employment, education and family/parent supports for refugee fathers with services to support fathers navigating job upgrades, furthering education and increasing family/parent engagement.
Parents learn how to increase conversation with their children during the first few years of life. Interactive talk has been proven to be a key factor in healthy early brain development and positive school performance. Yet most families don’t really know how much they are talking to or with their children. Learn about language development and the amazing benefits that come with simply talking with and talking to our children using a talk pedometer.
To learn about future openings for participating in Pamoja, click here to be added to the waiting list.
Congratulations 2022 Graduates!