Refugee Employment Preparation

LFSRM provides each refugee with a career counselor who searches for possible jobs and helps to provide job orientation and training. These specialists are responsible for many families, so they can always use extra help. Helping refugees build resumes, practice interviewing, and understanding American employee etiquette are some ways you can help.

  • Discuss what are some things a refugee can do to become employed. Ask if they know what LFSRM is doing to help him or her become employed. Find out what they are doing on their own to become employed. If he or she does not know, suggest scheduling a meeting with his or her career counselor. Also, write down his or her career counselor’s name and phone number.
  • Talk about how to do well in an interview. Practice! Practice! Practice! Download this Interview Packet.
  • ​Have the refugee get familiar with programs available to help with employment. Ask if he or she is attending LFSRM Job Club.

Job Club

  • Build a resume. Ask if he or she has developed a resume in Job Club. Can they improve or update it?
  • If the refugee you mentor has a degree from their home country, check to see if they can have their degree transferred.
  • Teach them about the “American Work Ethic.” This means, being on time, calling if you will not be at work, dressing appropriately, etc.
  • ​Help with English skills. A huge skill that most employers look for is the ability to speak English.