I'm not yet certified as an LFSRM foster parent, but am in the pre-certification process, may I still attend?
Yes. Please note this training is NOT a substitute for the State required 27 hours of specific pre-certification training. This also does not apply to future training hours needed to maintain foster home certification if you are not currently certified.
Is childcare provided?
We are unable to provide childcare. If this is a barrier for attendance, please speak to your case manager about strategies.
Is lunch provided during the in-person segment?
Yes, boxed lunches, snacks and water will be provided. Please include special dietary needs on the registration form.
Will this session be offered virtually?
This class is being offered in-person only. There will be no virtual components for modules 3 and 4.
May I take the modules out of order?
The modules are taught in a sequential manner and must be taken in sequence. Once you miss a part, you cannot take the subsequent parts until the missed section is completed.
How many training hours will I get for this?
Modules 3 and 4 are worth 6 training credits each totaling 12 hours.
What if I registered and something comes up and I need to cancel?
Please contact both TBRI practioners here: Jenn Bohannon or Rachel Postma and let them know you need to cancel.
Space is limited. Registration is required. Click here to view training dates.
Our goal is to provide TBRI® training and on-going coaching to foster families to help them create an environment of physical, social, and psychological safety and learn proactive strategies for behavioral change that can be used in day-to-day situations. Additionally, our Clinical team is here to support families by providing on-going services, consultations on parenting, and supplemental education on different issues.
If you are an LFSRM Foster Parent and would like more information on this training, please send us an email.
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