jeff and laura

Dear Birth Parent,

We want to commend you for considering adoption placement for your child and look forward to getting to know you. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us! We have so much hope for a future family.

We are Jeff and Laura from Aurora, Colorado and have been married for 16 years. We have one angel baby, Ethan, who is watching over us from heaven. Ethan had a severe heart defect called HLHS that we learned about during pregnancy. This, along with another complication, gave Ethan only a 5% chance of living to the age of 5. He passed away just 90 minutes after his birth surrounded by many family members who loved him. This experience challenged us in so many ways, but we feel like it has shaped us into the people we are today

Knowing several families who have been blessed by adoption, including Jeff’s dad, lead us to this decision that feels right for our family. Faith is an integral part of our lives and we know God is in every detail. We know He has been guiding us through every step in our journey and hope you know that He is guiding you as well. Thank you, again, for taking the time to get to know us!


Jeff and Laura

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