Since 1948, our mission is to offer services that strengthen, heal and provide hope for individuals and families. We help to build families through infant, designated, and international adoption by providing support, education, and counseling. As a full service Colorado adoption agency, our adoption and pregnancy counselors work closely with clients as they consider and prepare for adoptive parenthood. We are committed to serving ALL children and families. We have offices in Denver, Fort Collins and Colorado Springs serving the Front Range.
The adoption process can be overwhelming and confusing, but we can help! Whether you are looking to adopt, you’re working with an expectant mother or you want to search for your birth relatives, our counselors will work with you throughout your journey.
We work with you and the birth family to have an honest, loving commitment for the best interest of the child.
This program is for families seeking the opportunity to adopt a child who lives outside of the United States. LFSRM partners with the international adoption agency you choose to help you bring your child home to Colorado.
Designated Adoption for adoptive families connected with a birth family prior to agency involvement. LFSRM provides the mandatory relinquishment counseling for the birth family as well as the education, training, home study, and post-placement services to the adoptive family.
Any party involved in an adoption in Colorado must work with a licensed Colorado adoption agency. LFSRM processes private interstate adoptions in accordance with the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC). All states are members of the ICPC.
At LFSRM, we are eager to help you create a road map to financing your adoption. Several adoption funding grants and loans are available.