Each day at LFSRM we strive to provide support to families throughout the Rocky Mountain region. Our work continues to grow as we continuely look for new resources and services to help strengthen our communities.
6312 Refugees & Asylee Clients Served
176 Children/Youth in Foster Care Served - 22,394 Nights of Care
73 URM Children Youth in Foster Care served - 23,019 Nights of Care
53 Older Adult Wards with LFSRM Guardianship
18 Adoptive Placements
18 Birth Parents Receiving Pregnancy Options counseling
6,146 Children and 855 Families served through Family Support & Education
216 Migrants & Asylum seekers served in Las Cruces and Denver
1,375 Households served through Disaster relief
Refugee & Asylee
Colorado Springs
Foster Care
KPC Respite Center
SafeCare Parent Support
Pregnancy Options Colorado
Refugee & Asylee
Foster Care
Immigration Legal Services
Older Adult
Pregnancy Options Colorado
Refugee & Asylee
Fort Collins
Foster Care
Parenting Education & Support
Pregnancy Options Colorado
Parenting Education & Support
Refugee & Asylee
Las Cruces
Refugee & Asylee
Immigration Legal Services
Salt Lake City
Immigration Legal Services
Since 1948 we have helped to build families through infant, designated, and international adoption by providing support, education, and counseling to parents.
LFSRM is contracted by the State of Colorado to review all Interstate Compacts for the Placement of Children related to adoptive placements entering Colorado. During Fiscal Year 2023 the program reviewed 166 ICPC placement packets to ensure the safely of children and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
At LFSRM, we believe there is no such thing as “other people’s kids.” Through our Foster Care Program, we work diligently with our families to support them through the foster process and beyond. We provide skilled, caring substitute families for children unable to live with their birth families.
Foster parents receive training to gain skills on how o responsively support these youth. A case manager is assigned to each family to provide specialized support that helps families navigate the lives of these children.
Unaccompanied refugee minors (URM) are children under the age of 18 who have been resettled in the United States without a parent or relative to care for them. LFSRM is uniquely equipped to offer these children a new chance at life following significant hardship, loss, and trauma.
Since 1975 LFSRM Refugee & Asylee Programs have helped people who have been uprooted by persecution and violence work towards self-sufficiency through essential resettlement services, including: housing, employment, English language, and cultural orientation. Some locations have other grant-funded programs .
Our MED program provides training, technical assistance, and loans for Refugees and Asylees to start, maintain, and expand small businesses. The program helps to create refugee owned small businesses, generate jobs, increase incomes, and contribute to the local economy.
Our Immigration Legal Services expanded and now provides services throughout Colorado, New Mexico, and in Utah with attorneys on staff in Denver, Albuquerque, Las Cruces, and Salt Lake City. The program also provides SRS fingerprinting in Denver, Colorado Springs, Albuquerque, Las Cruces, and Salt Lake City and providing fingerprinting for 76 individuals over the past fiscal year.
The LFSRM Immigration Legal Services team works with individual and families to review immigration history and portential forms of relief. Research shows newcomers with represntation fare better at every stage of the immigration process.
Every family has strengths and every family can use support. We believe that every child desrves to grow up in a safe, nurturing environment. Through these programs families gain skills to provide a safe home.
KPC Respite Center: Offers temporary crisis and planned childcare for infants and young children in Colorado Springs providing relief and support to parents and guardians.
CareHouse: Provides a comfortable, nurturing environment for families and children to have supervised family time, monitored family time, and safe exchanges in northern Colorado.
SafeCare Colorado: Offers in-home, voluntary services that support families in Colorado Springs in gaining skills to provide a safe home, address child health needs, and engage in positive interactions with their children under 5 years.
Parenting Education: Provides a number of different classes in Larimer and Weld Counties to teach parents and provide support as they learn parenting skills.
SafeTouch Child Safety Class: This class concentrates on how children and adolescents can protect themselves from any type of abusive or unwanted touch.
Our Older Adult Program serves unbefriended patients and the facilities that care for them. Unbefriended patients are patients who have no written outline of their care preference and no identified family or friends to
assist in medical decision-making when needed.
For patients whose families need assistance petitioning the court to establish guardianship, our team contracts with hospitals to provide support to those families in their efforts of establishing guardianship for their loved ones.
LFSRM provides light-touch case management and resource navigation as well as limited financial assistance to migrants and asylum seekers who arrived in Las Cruces, NM and in Denver, CO. Programs are funded through a mix of Global Refuge Welcome Center funding and private grants and contributions.
*Does not include light-touch information and referrals.
Disaster Relief began its Marshall Fire Recovery Navigation program in July 2022 to provide Disaster Care Management assistance to residents impacted by the Marshall Fire and Straight Line Wind event. The program offers basic resource referral to any household impacted by the fire or wind event and more intensive services to households needing assistance with developing a recovery plan; applying for available funding for unmet needs, repair or rebuild; advocacy and navigation assistance; language assistance; direct assistance for immediate and urgent unmet needs, and other identified needs.
Abiding Hope Church
AET Source Environmental
All Saints Lutheran Church
Amazon Smile
Ameritech Construction
Arapahoe Basin Ski Area
Arc Thrift Stores
Ascension Lutheran Church
Atonement Lutheran Church
Augustana Lutheran Church
Bahais of Douglas County
Bank of Colorado
Bethany Lutheran Church
Bethany Lutheran Church Foundation
Bethel Lutheran Church Colorado Springs
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Black Forest Lutheran Church
Bob Behrends Roofing
Calvary Church, Golden
Calvary United Methodist Women
Carl W. & Carrie Mae Joslyn Trust
Christ On The Mountain Church Stewardship Account
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Christ the Savior Lutheran Church
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
City and County of Denver
City of Thornton
Colorado Access
Colorado Department of Human Services
Colorado Division of Criminal Justice
Colorado Health Foundation
Colorado Immigrant Rights Caalition
Colorado Office of Early Childhood
Colorado Respite Coalition
Colorado Springs Health Foundation
Community First Foundation
Community of Joy Lutheran Church
Community Shares of Colorado
Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
DCP Midstream, LP
Denver CO Stake - LDS Church
Denver Immigration Legal Services Fund (Denver Foundation)
Denver Metro Emergency Food
Denver Rescue Mission
DJC Enterprises Inc
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
Early Milestones Colorado
Easter Seals Colorado
El Pomar Foundation
ELCA Foundation
ELCA Southeast CO Cluster
Elite Properties of America, Inc
Emergency Food and Shelter Program (FEMA)
Energy Outreach Colorado
Epiphany Lutheran Church
Eternal Savior Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Evergreen Lutheran Church
Exchange Club of Greeley
Faith Lutheran Church
Farmer's Bank
First Congregational Church
First Lutheran Church
First Plymouth Congregational Church
First Presbyterian Church
FirstBank Lakewood
Front Range Roofing Systems, LLC
Frontier Academy
Girl Scout Troop 2252
Global Refuge
Glory of God Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Foundation of Boulder Colorado
Great Western Bank
Greeley Interfaith Association
Holland & Hart Foundation
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Howard United Methodist Church
InFaith Community Foundation
Insurance Marketing Concepts
International Anglican Church
Isle Casino Hotel Black Hawk
Johns Manville
Kellogg Foundation
Keysight Technologies
King of Glory Lutheran Church
KPMG Gives c/o Bergen County's United Way
Land Advantages LLC
Larimer County Department of Human Services
Lavendar in the Village
Life, Simplified - Organize, Design, & Move Manager
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company
Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church of the Cross
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains Foundation
Mark Stevens Photography
MDC Holdings/Richmond American Homes Foundation
Messiah Community Church
Mile High Ministries
Mile High United Way
Mount Hope Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
National Christian Foundation
Nativity Lutheran Church
Northern Colorado United for Youth
Office of Refugee Resettlement
OtterCares Foundation
Our Father Lutheran Church
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Parker Baby Co.
Peace With Christ Lutheran Church
Pikes Peak Community Foundation
Pikes Peak United Way
Precious Cat, Inc.
Realities for Children
Realities for Children, Inc.
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Redeemer Lutheran Church Fort Collins
Rejoice Lutheran Church
Restoration Specialists
Resurrection in the City Lutheran Church
Risen Lord Lutheran
Rocky Mountain Synod ELCA
Rose Community Foundation
SafeCare Colorado
Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church
Schneider Electric North America
Schwab Charitable Fund
Shell Oil Company Foundation Matching Gifts
Shepherd of The Hills Lutheran Church
Shepherd of The Rockies
SJB Child Development Centers, Inc.
Smart Spaces Spring Institute
Spirit Of Joy Lutheran Church
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
St. Luke's Lutheran Church
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
St. Paul Lutheran Church
St. Peter Lutheran Church
St. Philip Lutheran Church
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church
St. Timothy’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Standard Insurance Company/COBiz
Summit of Peace Lutheran Church
The Beacon Fund
The Bruni Foundation
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of LDS - Englewood
The Denver Foundation
The Gazette-El Pomar Foundation Empty Stocking Fund
The Genesis Foundation
The Grace Wanderers
The Greenberg Center for Learning and Tolerance
The Nutrition Camp School Foundation, Inc.
The Telluray Foundation
The Three Graces Fund
The Weld Trust
Thrivent Financial
Tools for Bending, Inc.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Church
Unitarian Church of Los Alamos
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
United Way of Larimer County
United Way of Weld County
UnitedHealth Group
UNMH - Labor & Delivery
Vale 19th
Vale 4th
View House
Walmart Corporate Headquarters
Weld Community Foundation (Littler Fund)
Weld County Department of Human Services
Weld Trust
Weston Solutions
White Rock Presbyterian Church
Womens Christian Service Soc. of United Church of Los Alamos
YMCA Estes Park
YMCA of the Rockies
Youth Helping Refugee Youth/Los Alamos
Zion Baptist Church
Zion Lutheran Church
Ascension Lutheran
Watch Video
Anne Fulton, Community College of DenverWatch Video
We are grateful for the willingness of our volunteers to give of their time, energy, and talents. Their support allows us to continue fulfilling our mission and serve thousands of people through the Rocky Mountain region each year.
2023 Volunteers of the Year Don Orange & Reed Koehn
Program Area | Number of Volunteers | Volunteer Hours | Value* |
Foster Care | 7 | 45 | $1,348 |
Prevention Services | 21 | 658 | $19,708 |
Refugee & Asylee Program Colorado Springs | 182 | 4,514 | $135,194 |
Refugee & Asylee Program Denver | 266 | 10,112 | $302,854 |
Refugee & Asylee Program Greeley | 28 | 1,064 | $31,867 |
Refugee & Asylee Program Albuquerque & Las Cruces | 37 | 1,314 | $39,354 |
Total Value of Volunteers | 541 | 17,707 | $530,325 |
In 2023, the value of one hour of volunteer time = $29.95, per Independent Sector
*Figure rounded to the nearest dollar
Fiscal Year 2022-2023
(July 1, 2022 -June 30, 2023)
Mr. Tom Brook
Contractual Fractional Services Management
Denver Metro Colorado
Mr. Joe DesJardin
Civil Engineer
Southern Colorado
Mr. Bruce Fear
Civil Engineer
Denver Metro Colorado
Pastor Nicolé Ferry
Senior Pastor
New Mexico
Carol Garrington
Speech Pathologist
Denver Metro Colorado
Ms. Amy Johnson
Project Manager/Engineer
Northern Colorado
Ms. Lori Ann Fujioka Knutson
First Assistant Attorney General, Contracts and Procurement Unit
Denver Metro Colorado
Ms. Margarita Reyes
Lay Leader
Denver Metro Colorado
Mr. Jeff Solomonson
Financial Consultant
Northern Colorado
Mr. Eric Stolp
Financial Consultant
Southern Colorado
Ms. Marjorie (Margie) Versen, Chair
Chief Financial Officer
Denver Metro Colorado
Mr. Frank Virginia
Director of Technical Services
Denver Metro Colorado
Ms. Nga Vuong-Sandoval
U.S. Refugee Advisory Board Project Manager
Denver Metro Colorado
Mr. Peter Whitmore
Denver Metro Colorado
Dr. William Ayen
Southern Colorado
Instructor (Retired)
Mr. Tom Brook
Denver Metro Colorado
Contractual Fractional Services Management
Mr. Don Filegar
Denver Metro Colorado
Ms. Jeanne Maloney
Denver Metro Colorado
Mr. Greg Bickle, Chair
Denver Metro Colorado
Financial Representative
Mr. Joe DesJardin
Southern Colorado
Civil Engineer
Mr. Keith LaShier
Denver Metro Colorado
Real Estate Consultant
Ms. Karen Spies
Denver Metro Colorado